Visual studio 2017 sql server compact
Visual studio 2017 sql server compact

visual studio 2017 sql server compact

at .(XmlElement elemProj, IDTSInfoEvents events) In most cases, scripts are converted automatically to use a supported version, when you open a SQL Server Integration Services package in %SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME% Integration Services. To run the package, use the Script Task to create a new VSTA script. %Script Task Name%:Error: There was an exception while loading Script Task from XML: System.Exception: The Script Task “ST_…” uses version 15.0 script that is not supported in this release of Integration Services. %Script Task Name%:Error: The Script Task is corrupted. %Script Task Name%:Error: There were errors during task validation. There is a sample which use the old SQLite.Net-PCL package you could also reference if you do want to use other packages.Having moved an SSIS package to a new server it was failing to run with the errors below. Install many packages at a same time may lead conflicts.Try un-install them all and just following above tutorial. There're many Nuget packages for SQLite, some of them are older with long time no updating. Details please check The minimum version of your project does not target the Fall Creators Update section. As the article mentioned,if the minimum version of your project does not target the Fall Creators Update, you need to upgrade package to 5.2.2 (or higher) and install version 1.1.1 (or lower) of package. If you installed the Nuget package, but cannot reference the namespace, you may need to check the versions of UWP app,package and. I'd recommend you to follow this latest tutorial to use a SQLite database in a UWP app.Īnd i can't add using

Visual studio 2017 sql server compact